Fall Smoky Mountain Trout Tournament 2011

With the arrival of fall in Pigeon Forge, Tennessee comes the annual Smoky Mountain Trout Tournament. This year’s tournament, sponsored by Rocky Top Outfitters of Ruth Hall Road in Pigeon Forge, will be held September 24th and 25th. This twice annual event takes place in the spring and fall of every year. Held from sunrise to 4PM on Saturday and 2PM on Sunday, this event offers something for the whole family.

Every year visitors and locals alike flock to the banks of Little Pigeon River and Patriot Park to catch a glimpse of the exciting activities the Smoky Mountain Trout Tournament has to offer. This year, the river will be stocked with more than 5,000 trout prior to the tournament’s kick off…offering plenty of fresh catch for everyone who competes in this event! The largest trout tournament on this end of the Great Smoky Mountains, this event allows guests and locals to try their hand at fishing the best 20 miles of Little Pigeon River.

With more than $10,000 in cash and prizes to be awarded, it is no wonder this event is so popular! Categories for entry include: $500 for largest trout and $500 for smallest trout (just in case the big one got away!) The event will also be giving away gift certificates to some of Pigeon Forge’s favorite places, trophies, fishing equipment, hotel accommodations, amusement park passes and much more!

To keep the tournament safe for the fish, there are several rules and regulations that must be enforced. Participants of the tournament are allowed only one hand-held fishing rod. There is a five fish limit per participant; the smallest allowed trout catch is seven inches. Participants must be present at the weigh in at Patriot Park by the end of the tournament each day.

If you are interested in registering for this tournament, visit the Smoky Mountain Angler on East Parkway or visit the tournament’s website at: The Smoky Mountain Trout Tournament.

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