Shriners Parade in Pigeon Forge

If you’re in Pigeon Forge this weekend, you may notice some friendly people out and around the town. The South Atlantic Shrine Association will be heading to Pigeon Forge for their annual business meetings and Shriner entertainment. From September 21st through the 25th, nearly 5,000 Shriners and 2,500 friends and family members will be conducting business, exploring the town, and dining at Pigeon Forge favorites all weekend long.

While the South Atlantic Shrine Association has made plans with The Music Road Hotel and Inn, many Shriners are taking advantage of the area’s beautiful cabins and chalets. Pigeon Forge officials are expecting the Shriners to spend $1.3 million on lodging alone – bringing a big boost to the local economy.

“This is SASA’s annual business meeting, plus a time for camaraderie and Shriner fun, including a huge parade,” says Wayne Burkett, who is this year’s director. “The Great Smoky Mountains, Dollywood, shopping and Pigeon Forge’s theaters are a great magnet for Shriners and their families. We’re looking forward to a memorable meeting.”

While you may be thinking that the Shriner’s being in town simply mean more of a crowd and wait for you on your family vacation – think again! On Saturday, you and your family can attend the Shriner Parade as they drive their tiny cars down the Pigeon Forge Parkway. Children will love the go-carts, motorcycles, marchers and more as they trek down the street, putting on quite a show for parade-watchers.

Of course, Shriners and motorcycles go hand-in-hand, so you and your family can also look forward to an exciting motorcycle competition on Friday from 8AM to 5PM. The entire event is free to the public, so take your children (or husband!) to watch this fantastic show for a great cause.

Always encouraging healthy living for children, the Shriners will also be holding a screening for children who may need hospital treatment. The screening will be held at the Music Road Convention Center from 10AM to 2PM. Evaluations will be administered by a team of doctors from the Greenville Shrine Hospital for Children. This hospital offers free treatment for children with orthopedic problems and burns.

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