Christmas Events in Pigeon Forge


The Great Smoky Mountains takes celebrating Christmas and New Years to a whole new level. From all the beautiful light displays throughout the city to seeing Santa and giving him your own wish list, you will have a trip full of memories that will last you a lifetime. If you are planning a trip to Pigeon Forge, Tennessee here are some events for you to enjoy during your Smoky Mountain  vacation:

24th Annual Pigeon Forge Winterfest
The 24th Annual Pigeon Forge Winterfest will begin on November 12th go through January. There are millions of lights of all shapes and sizes waiting for you to see. From Santa and his reindeer to proudly displaying the colors of our great country, you will see many different light combinations and designs. The display of lights starts as you exit at 407 and make your way down to the Parkway in Gatlinburg. For more information, please call 1-800-251-9100.

26th Annual New Year’s Eve Ball Drop and Fireworks Extravaganza
Trying to fing the perfect way to bring in the New Year? Join us at the 26th Annual New Year’s Eve Ball Drop and Fireworks Extravaganza. The event will start at 11 p.m. with live music and great food, and the best part… there is no admission fee! Watch the ball drop at midnight enjoy the beautiful fireworks light up the night sky. For more information on this event, call 1-800-568-4748.

Dance With the Sharks
Come to Ripley’s Aquarium and celebrate the New Year in a unique way! Dance With the Sharks event will have hors d’oeures, live bands, a personal souvenir photo and a champagne toast at midnight. The event will be open to the public until 9:000 PM, after 9:01 PM only party guests will be allowed to admit. For reservations and more information, please call 1-888-240-1358.

Gatlinburg Winter Magic
Experience the spirit of Christmas with The Gatlinburg Winter Magic. There are tons of lights and displays that will blow your mind and make your Christmas even more spectacular.

Gatlinburg Winter Magic Trolley Ride of Lights
Don’t worry about trying to drive and see all the lights, take the trolley so you can enjoy them along with your family and friends! Each day in December through the 30th, The Trolley Ride of Lights will depart from Ripley’s Aquarium at 6:30 PM, 7:30 PM & 8:30 PM and there is no bad view from the trolley! For more information including pricing, call 1-800-568-4748.

Shadrack’s Christmas Wonderland and Santa’s Village
Come to Smokies Stadium in Sevierville, TN and visit Santa’s Village and Shadrack’s Christmas Wonderland. From now until January 6th, 2014, come and enjoy a free petting zoo, pony and camel rides ($5), photos with Santa (through Dec. 23rd), and much more! The children can take their tokens and ride lots of rise including Santa’s Train, Ferris Wheel, Inflatable Slide, and Trampoline Bungee Jump. After the rides, take your vehicle through the route of lights with wonderful displays and creative lighting fixtures that will leave you speechless. For more information and pricing, call 1-888-321-7547.

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